“Aceh Method:”
Heritage at Risk in Multimodal Forms

Dr Julie Nichols, Mr Darren Fong

Forms of Representation - Digital Capture

Onsite Lambunot Village, Indrapuri, Aceh. Photo: Darren Fong

The use of a tripod mounted device (Gigapan) to capture photos in a 360 degreesphere allows greater control over standard photographic parameters and generatingimage sizes of 350–500 MP for the Aceh Case Study.

Variation to ‘‘Aceh Method”: Burra

Laser Scanning

Laser scanning as a low cost method to augment photogrammetry provides another layer of documentation, it enables detail capture on site of built form and context to scale.

Jacka House Hampton Village, Burra

Drone Capture

Drone capture, due to the size of the village compound we documented drone capture worked really well for context and master planning. We plan to explore photogrammetry in creating a 3D model of the site as are placement to the VR example in Aceh